Karin Bijsterveld (2012) Teaching Sonic Literacy. Review of “Sonic Persuasion: Reading Sound in the Recorded Age,” by Greg Goodale (Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2010), Technology and Culture 53:3, pp. 19-20.
Bijsterveld, Karin (2014) Format theory or revitalizing Science and Technology Studies. Review of “MP3: The Meaning of a Format,” by Jonathan Sterne (Durham NC, Duke University Press, 2012), Metascience 23, pp. 530-542.
Bijsterveld, Karin (2014) Review of “The Psychophysical Ear: Musical Experiments, Experimental Sounds, 1840-1910,” by Alexandra Hui (Cambridge MA, MIT Press, 2013), ISIS 105:1, pp. 232-233.
Harris, Anna (2014), Review of “An Amazing Murmur of the Heart: Feeling the Patient’s Beat” by Cecil Helman, on Center for Medical Humanities blog.
Harris, Anna (2015), Sounds of the body seeping from the page. Review of “Hearing and the Hospital: Sound, Listening, Knowledge and Experience” by Tom Rice (Canon Pyon, 2013), The Senses and Society 10:1, pp. 115-118.
Krebs, Stefan (2015). Review of “Chasing Sound: Technology, Culture & the Art of Studio Recording from Edison to the LP,” by Susan Schmidt Horning (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013), ISIS 106:1, pp. 206–207.
Krebs, Stefan (2013). Review of “Sensing Changes. Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953–2003,” by Joy Parr (Vancouver und Toronto: UBC Press, 2010), Technikgeschichte 80:4, pp. 333–334.
Krebs, Stefan (2012). Review of “Vom “Schwachstarktastenkasten” und seinen Fabrikanten: Wissensräume im Klavierbau, 1830 bis 1930,” by Sonja Petersen (Münster et al.: Waxmann Verlag, 2011), ICON. Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology 18, pp. 265–267.
Supper, Alexandra (2013). Review of “Listening Publics: The Politics and Experience of Listening in the Media Age” by Kate Lacey (Cambridge: Polity), H-Soz-u-Kult.