In audiovisual media:
Karin Bijsterveld (interviewed by Remy van den Brand, in Dutch) on the popular science show Noorderlicht on VPRO, February 9 2010. Listen (starting at 13:20).
Karin Bijsterveld and others (interviewed by Tjitske Mussche in Dutch) as part of an audio documentary “Het geluid van een auto” (the sound of a car) in the series Ongesigneerd (about invisible design) on VPRO. Broadcasted on November 1, 2014, in Woord, Radio 1. See and listen.
Karin Bijsterveld, Joeri Bruyninckx, Stefan Krebs, Alexandra Supper and Melissa van Drie, interviewed by Maarten Michielse for the illustrated Sonic Skills podcast, presented at the Sonic Science Festival, January 2015. Watch and listen.
Karin Bijsterveld, Joeri Bruyninckx and Alexandra Supper (interviewed by Judith van Kessel, in Dutch), on the local radio station L1 on January 23 2015. Read and listen.
Joeri Bruyninckx (interviewed by Pieter van der Wielen, in Dutch) on the popular science show Labyrint on Dutch Radio 1, April 14 2013. Listen.
Joeri Bruyninckx, interviewed for the Maastricht University Youtube channel in April 2013. Watch and listen.
Anna Harris, interviewed by the Writing Centre of the Melbourne School of Graduate Research in as part of their ’60 Second PhD’ project. Watch and listen.
Stefan Krebs, interviewed (in German) as a part of a feature on the Museum of Endangered Sounds, “Museum für bedrohte Geräusche”, on the Swiss popular science show SRF Wissenschaftsmagazin, March 23 2013. Listen.
Stefan Krebs, interviewed by Holger Schulze (in German) as part of a feature on sound studies research “Abenteuer Klang III: Sound & The Society”, on the German radio station Deutschlandradio Kultur, May 23 2014. Listen.
Alexandra Supper (interviewed by Sergio Sismondo), “Sublime frequencies: The construction of sublime listening experiences in the sonification of scientific data”, Social Studies of Science Podcast 2, published in January 2014. Listen.
Alexandra Supper (interviewed by Paul Devens) as part of the sound art project Radio Wavings, broadcast on local radio stations L1 and MaastrichtFM on May 4th, 2014. Listen (starting at 58:30).
In print media:
“A different sound in science”, article about Karin Bijsterveld’s Vici grant for the Sonic Skills project for the Maastricht University web magazine by Femke Kools, December 2011. Read online.
“Beter tien vogels in de hand dan één in de lucht”, article about the dissertation of Joeri Bruyninckx in Observant (independent weekly magazine of Maastricht
University) by Maurice Timmerman, April 2013. Read online.
“Now hear this”, article about the sonification of scientific data, which quotes Alexandra Supper, by Jason Palmer in The Economist, March 19th 2016. Read online.
On blogs and websites:
“Sounding Disease”, a guest blog entry by Anna Harris on the Sociology of Diagnosis blog. Read online.
“Autophony: Listening to your eyes move”, a guest blog entry by Anna Harris to the series “The Ethnographic Case” on the Somatosphere website. Read online. (Picked up by the BBC as among “best of the week’s long reads in science and technology”.)
Sonic Skills Exhibition Website (2015) by Karin Bijsterveld, Joeri Bruyninckx, Marith Dieker, Anna Harris, Stefan Krebs, Alexandra Supper & Melissa van Drie.