Special Issue on “Aural History” for The Public Historian (CfP)

CfP for book reviews, exhibition reviews, website reviews and other small items (deadline for proposals March 19, 2014)

Karin Bijsterveld is guest editor of a special issue on Aural History for the peer-reviewed, US-based journal The Public Historian that is planned to be published in November 2015. For this special issue, she has already commissioned sufficient articles on the issue’s theme: the relevance of aural history for researching, writing and staging history for a wide audience. The special issue will discuss topics such as auditory memory, ear-witnessing, sound as intangible cultural heritage, sound in historical museums and web exhibitions, and the contributions of aural history to the history of the state and other traditional forms of history. For this special issue, we still welcome plans for contributions in the form of book reviews, exhibition reviews, website reviews or other small items relevant for the theme. Does this ring a bell and do you have an idea for a review-contribution? Please feel welcome to send a concise email with your idea to Karin Bijsterveld before March 19, 2014.